1870s Gown - Inspiration

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During Christmas my sister and I watched The Way We Live Now for the second or third time and I got inspired again to make a bustle gown like one Hetta wore. I believe, though, that I had seen Daniel Deronda first and was inspired by the gorgeous bustle gowns Gwendolen wears in this movie. But, I think seeing The Way We Live Now again was what finally made me want to make a gown. Also, I had seen some lovely grey silk taffeta from Fashion Fabrics Club that would be perfect! So, this gown is really loosely based on both Gwendolen's and Hetta's gowns. They both wear a gown made of a light grey (or possibly blue) silk that caught my eye. This dress will be closer to Gwendolen's, though. I found a few pictures on the web that show these gowns, although they aren't the greatest. I wish I had the ability to take screen pics from these films, but I don't. So, these pictures will have to suffice. After seeing Daniel Deronda the other night for the millionth time, I now really want to make her archery dress/ball gown. But, of course I have to finish this dress first! And find the perfect striped fabric.

 Pictures of Gwendolen:




Pictures of Hetta:

(On the right.)



Design Sketches

(Although, I have changed my mind on a couple things, so the final dress probably won't look exactly like these sketches.)




Above painting: Portrait of Two Sisters, 1840 by Louis-Edouard

Courtesy of CGFA.